欢迎访问电子游戏软件可持续发展办公室网页! The Office of Sustainability embraces its goals through the following areas: education and outreach, 景观及自然景观, LEED buildings, 减少废物和回收利用. 

About Us

What We Do

The Office of Sustainability at Boston College serves as a resource and catalyst to advance University goals for campus-wide sustainability. 它与设施管理部门合作, 电子游戏软件餐饮服务, and student groups to organize and support various environmental sustainability initiatives and projects. The office works to: 

  • 在各设施推行节约能源措施
  • 制定节约能源和水资源管理的综合办法 
  • 协调校园内的回收和堆肥项目
  • 整合和维护校园内的自然景观
  • 识别潜在的可持续发展机会
  • 衡量并报告可持续发展目标的年度进展


Meet Our Team


Bruce Dixon




Lauren Dadekian, 24岁,本科生办公室实习生


Olivia DiRenzo '26,本科生办公室实习生


Garden Steward




300 Hammond Pond Parkway
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

Email: sustainability@158idc.net

Office Phone: 617-552-3738

可持续发展办公室网站: http://sites.google.com/158idc.net/officeofsustainability

Sustainable News

Suscribe to the Office of Sustainability's listserv for updates about the latest environmental events around campus and the Boston area including events from Boston College's green clubs, campus lectures, 以及最新的环保鹰通讯. 

Subscribe to Listserv

Sustainability Newsletter

阅读最新的可持续发展倡议, activites and events taking place on campus in the newsletter from the student group EcoPledge and The Office of Sustainability.



Academic Programs

The interdisciplinary 环境电子游戏正规平台课程 is currently researching ways to conserve the environment, 发现工程替代方案, 以及能效实践.


The Woods College of Advancing Studies offers a professional studies certificate in sustainability. It is an online, six-course program open to students who hold a high school diploma or a bachelor's degree. 它允许接受者展示他们在当今紧迫问题上的能力, including climate change, 人口增长的影响, shifting demogaphics, 以及随之而来的自然资源对能源的限制, food, water, materials, and waste.


Campus Groups

Join the green community.

Bike BC

Bike BC是一个由学生运营的共享单车项目,服务于整个电子游戏软件社区. 

Bike BC

Charity Water

电子游戏软件慈善:水 is an initiative started by students whose goal is to bring awareness to the global water crisis and raise money to support charity: water campaigns. Since its inception, BC charity: water has been able to raise thousands of dollars and fund the development of a drilling rig and wells in two different villages. 

BC Charity Water

Climate Justice BC

Climate Justice BC aims to educate about the dangers of climate change and how students can be agents for change; unite with local and national climate activists to strengthen social support for climate justice; and to engage in activism within the BC community.

Climate Justice BC


EcoPledge is Boston College's largest student-run environmental club that works toward making BC more sustainable. 生态承诺通过放映电影教育BC社区有关环境问题, presenting lectures, 举办丰收节和地球日等年度庆祝活动. 生态承诺的成员经常走出校园, 参与当地社区的清洁工作, 全国环境会议, 在新英格兰徒步旅行和露营.


Green Ambassador Program

Established in 2014, Athletics, Facilities Services, 和可持续发展办公室合作制作了 绿色大使计划,支持正在进行的校园回收工作. Green Ambassadors welcome fans to BC at selected sites and offer information on game day activities and respond to recycling questions. 有关绿色大使计划的信息,请发送电子邮件 sustainability@158idc.net

Outdoor Adventures

Run by Campus Recreation, Boston College offers students the opportunity to experience nature through day and weekend trips including rock climbing, hiking, sea kayaking, paddleboarding, and backpacking.

Outdoor Adventures

Outdoor Club

The student run Outdoor Club organizes trips for BC students to get outside and enjoy the environment. 旅行包括徒步旅行、登山、划皮艇、漂流和滑雪. 

Outdoor Club

Plant Club

Plant club is a welcoming and encouraging environment for people with all levels of plant knowledge. 参加工厂俱乐部的工厂维护会议, propagation workshops, cutting swaps, bonsai workshops, terrarium events, 觅食和物种识别行走, and more!

Plant Club

Real Food BC

Real Food BC is a student group on campus that strives for the establishment of a more sustainable food system by promoting the purchasing of food from local, green, humane sources in order to support localized food production and to reduce carbon emissions that result from long-distance food shipments. 不列颠哥伦比亚省餐饮服务部门已经采取措施,实现更可持续的食品采购. 与Real Food BC合作, BC Dining创建了Addie’s Loft, 一家提供本地食物的有机餐馆, sustainable sources. 

Real Food BC


由住宿生活办公室管理, this living and learning community educates students on sustainablity and encourages them to be active members in their community. Students apply at the end of their first year and live on the sustainability floor during their sophomore year.


UGBC Environmental Caucus

The Undergraduate Government of Boston College works with environmental clubs on campus to create a greener BC. Their Environmental Caucus is dedicated to sustainability and making green changes on campus.



企业家促进社会影响 works to amplify businesses pursuing equity and justice around the globe, 特别强调大波士顿地区. Among other social justice causes, they highlight companies working toward a more sustainable future.


The Office of Sustainability created this book as reference guidelines for the Boston College student body. 这些指导方针涉及校园内的回收利用, conservation efforts, green cleaning, 以及如何加入环保俱乐部.

如果您有任何问题,请随时与我们联系 sustainability@158idc.net.


Sustainability Guide 3.1


How to Recycle and Compost

Single-Stream Recycling

电子游戏软件使用单流回收, which means you can throw all your recyclables in one bin without any need to sort them. However, make sure to rinse containers before recycling them, and do not recycle plastic bags.

What Can you Recycle?


  • Plastics #1-7
  • Glass and plastic bottles
  • 空的、干净的纸板食品和饮料容器
  • 铝罐:汽水、金枪鱼等.
  • 空的、干净的、塑料的食品容器等.
  • 报纸、杂志、垃圾邮件、硬纸板


Why Compost?

堆肥有助于防止通过有氧分解产生甲烷, 减少对化石燃料的依赖, 减少垃圾填埋和焚烧. 堆肥可以变成天然肥料, 为土地添加营养丰富的土壤,促进生物多样性.

堆肥比回收容易得多. 餐厅工作人员会在科克伦公地为您堆肥, McElroy Commons, 里昂大厅和斯图尔特餐厅. 所有你没有吃过的食物都要放进堆肥箱.

What Can You Compost?

  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Meat
  • Poultry
  • Bones and fat trimmings
  • Dairy products
  • Eggshells
  • Coffee grounds
  • Paper napkins
  • Tea bags